We are less than 6
months away from the eclipse, so I thought that this was as good a time as any
to review eye safety details with you.
Here is the most
important thing to remember from this post: anytime the sun is not covered at
all, or partially covered (even including 99%!) you MUST use proper methods AND
proper materials to PROTECT your eyes. However, if you are in this path of
http://xjubier.free.fr/tse2017map then DURING THE TOTAL PHASE ONLY, WHEN THE SUN IS COMPLETELY BLOCKED, it is COMPLETELY SAFE to look at the sun directly without any protection. If you try to use eye safety protection during totality, you'll miss the best part!
When the sun returns,
you MUST go back to the proper eye safety methods and materials.
So, how do you keep
your eyes safe before and after the eclipse, as well as during the partial
eclipse (or partial phases before and after totality)?
Well, I'll just let
eclipse chasers who are more experienced at this tell you:
https://eclipse.aas.org/eye-safety (credit
American Astronomical Society)
(credit Dan McGlaun)
(credit Jay Ryan)
(see podcast #11 for eye safety tips)
viewing products
is not necessarily an endorsement- but all of the people/company that run these
sites are experienced in eclipses):
(credit Michael Zeiler)
Also do note that you
can get a #14 welder's filter- make sure it is glass or polycarbonate
WITH gold coating; the polycarbonate ones WITHOUT gold coating may not be safe.
Make sure you study these links, and make sure you obtain and know how to use this eye safety equipment- keep your eyes safe.
The above assumes that you are using just your eyes. You can certainly view the eclipse with magnified instruments- binoculars, telescopes, etc.- but the same rules apply- USE PROPER PROTECTION DURING THE PARTIAL PHASES (including 99%; before and after totality); NO PROTECTION IS NEEDED DURING TOTALITY.
If you plan to view the eclipse with magnified viewing, please comment here or email me at eclipseaugust2017@gmail.com – there are some extra tips I would like to give.
As a final note- make sure that you are paying attention to the other changes that are happening around you as the eclipse deepens!
If you have any questions, feel free to comment here or email me at eclipseaugust2017@gmail.com
Happy (and safe!)
eclipse viewing!